UNC Health Rex Nursing Annual Report

When one engages with a health care entity, they typically choose their physician and the hospital system. However, someone else chooses your nurse! At UNC Health Rex, we have assembled an army of top notch professional nurses who live our mission:

To make a positive difference in the lives of our patients every day.

The UNC Health Rex Nursing Annual Report is a mechanism to share the state of nursing at UNC Health Rex with our professional colleagues, patients, families and community. As the U.S. health system is transforming under the Affordable Care Act, nursing will be integral for maintaining quality while reducing costs. Every day, nurses are there at the beginning and end of life; they are there to assess and develop a plan to assist patients in their response to illness and their journey back home.

We are clinicians, researchers, administrators, educators and advocates who are there for patients any hour of the day.
