Lung Cancer Screening Could Save Your Life

Are you a heavy smoker? Does someone close to you smoke?

If you are 50 or older, talk to your doctor about a lung cancer screening at UNC Rex Cancer Care.

A lung cancer screening is painless and fast, and includes a low-dose CT scan and a clinical evaluation. It could be the key to discovering lung cancer early when it’s easier to treat.

Screening is available at two convenient locations: UNC Rex Health in Raleigh and Cary.

The visit and lung cancer screening may be covered by insurance. Our staff will be able to address questions you may have in regards to the services provided.

A recent study revealed long-term smokers who schedule at least three annual lung cancer screenings have a 20 percent lower risk of dying from cancer than those who have standard X-rays.

Your test will be evaluated by a team of specialists who will work together on the best treatment plan for you. Your personal physician should receive your test results within two business days.

At UNC Rex, you’ll have access to a comprehensive program with the resources you need to lead a healthier life.

Schedule an Appointment

For more information or to schedule an appointment for a lung cancer screening, please call 919-784-7460.

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