Diagnostic Radiology
Wake Radiology UNC REX Healthcare performs a wide range of outpatient diagnostic exams including general X-rays, scoliosis imaging, Sitz marker studies, metastatic bone surveys and fluoroscopy exams.
General X-Ray
- X-rays use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones and organs on film. X-rays pass through body tissues onto specially treated plates (similar to camera film) and a "negative" type picture is made. An actual X-ray is a form of energy. You cannot feel an X-ray as it goes through the body. Several different terms, such as "film," "picture" and "X-ray" are used to describe how the image is produced.
- X-Rays are done on a walk-in basis. There is no need to schedule an appointment.
Scoliosis Imaging
- A scoliosis X-ray is a general X-ray that uses a small amount of radiation to create detailed images of the spine. The images are sent to a digital system that allows a radiologist to evaluate and determine if there is a curvature of the spine.
- Scoliosis X-Rays are done on a walk-in basis. There is no need to schedule an appointment.
Sitz Marker Study
- A colon transit study or Sitz marker study is a diagnostic test that allows your doctor to evaluate the function of your colon.
- When you arrive for a Sitz marker study, staff will review your symptoms and allergies with you. We will then contact the on-site REX Pharmacy, and they will bring you a Sitz marker capsule to take with water.
- This capsule contains small rings, which will show up on X-rays and let the doctors track their progress through your intestines.
- A Sitz marker study requires an X-ray of your abdomen over several days. The number of days will be determined by your doctor. X-rays will be taken of your abdomen to see if any of the markers are left in your colon or whether they have all been expelled from the body.
- Sitz marker studies are done on a walk-in basis. There is no need to schedule an appointment. The radiology technologist will provide you with the dates to return for the additional images.
Metastatic Bone Survey
- A bone survey includes general X-rays of the skull, chest, spine, pelvis and long bones (humerus and femur, the largest bones in the arm and leg, respectively).
- We prefer that you schedule an appointment for a Metastatic Bone Survey.
- Fluoroscopy is also known as “Live X-Ray’ or an “X-Ray Movie." A continuous X-ray beam is passed through the body part being examined and is transmitted to a TV-like monitor so that the body part and its motion can be seen in detail. In barium X-rays, fluoroscopy allows the radiologist to see the movement of the barium through the body. Barium is a white, chalky powder that is mixed with water to make a thick, milkshake-like drink. Barium is used only for diagnostic studies of the esophagus, upper GI tract and lower GI tract. Barium highlights certain areas in the body to create a clearer picture.
- Fluoroscopy exams that we perform include (but are not limited to):
- Barium Swallow
- Modified Barium Swallow
- Upper GI
- Small Bowel Follow-through
- Barium Enema
- Defecogram
- Fistulogram
- Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap)
- Myelogram
- Cystogram
- Arthrogram
- Joint Injection
- Loopogram
- IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram)
- Nephrostogram
- HSG (Hysterosalpingogram)
- Chest Fluoroscopy (Sniff Test)
- All fluoroscopy exams are done by appointment only.
- A technologist will call you 1-3 days prior to your scheduled appointment to discuss details of the exam and any steps that you need to do to prepare.