Home Workouts

Workout at home with our REX Wellness Center trainers! Stay in touch and stay in shape with these quick exercise videos.



Pilates and Barre




  1. TRX with Sherry (13 minutes)
  2. TRX with Riley (1 minute 30 seconds)
  3. TRX with Vicky (15 minutes)

Seated/Special Populations


  1. Baking Bread at Home (2 minutes)
  2. Making Popcorn at home (3 minutes)
  3. The Plate Method (1 minutes)
  4. Boost Your Immunity (5 minutes)


  1. Zumba with Yazmin (20 minutes)
  2. Line Dancing with Emma (5 minutes)
  3. Zumba with Harriett (30 minutes)
  4. Zumba with Yazmin (15 minutes)
  5. Line Dancing (Salsa) with Emma (5 minutes)
  6. Zumba with Yazmin (5 minutes)

Swim Drills

Consult your healthcare provider before using these videos to exercise or starting any exercise program. By using these videos to exercise, you are doing so at your own risk. Neither UNC REX Healthcare nor UNC Health will be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of your use of these videos. If you experience any symptoms of exercise intolerance, including but not limited to chest pain, chest pressure, light headedness, dizziness, or unusual shortness of breath, stop exercising immediately and contact your healthcare provider. If symptoms do not resolve with rest, seek immediate medical attention by calling 911.

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